Riyadh - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Information Technology International (TAG-ITI) to provide Alwatania with a document management system (DMS). The document management system will help Alwatania to automate the processes for the Accounting, Human Resources and the Procurement departments, in addition to the other departments.
Samer Al-Ramahi, manager of the E-archiving Department at TAG-ITI said that this project aims at serving Alwatania through providing a document management system (DMS) for its different departments, stressing that TAG-ITI works consistently according to the directives of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, to use the latest technology and use it to the highest recognized quality standards.
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Information Technology International (TAG-ITI) was established in 2001 and has worked over the past years and through its offices of more than 100 offices around the world to provide comprehensive and diverse technical services in a distinctive manner and tailored to meet the needs of customers from all over the world.
Link http //tagiti.com/en/article/6720
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