TAG-Org Hosts Save 4 Syria Environmental Drive Workshop

The workshop which was held at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Professional Training (TAG-Training) Center comes as a continuation to the Save 4 Syria environmental drive launched by JIC to protect the country?s environmental resources

DAMASCUS ----- May 17, 2010---- As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) Damascus Office hosted a workshop on saving the environment organized by the Junior Chamber International (JIC).TAG-Org Hosts Save 4 Syria Environmental Drive Workshop

The workshop which was held at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Professional Training (TAG-Training) Center comes as a continuation to the Save 4 Syria environmental drive launched by JIC to protect the country?s environmental resources.

The ?Save 4 Syria? campaign was launched by JCI to raise environmental and energy conservation awareness among Syrian private and public sector businesses and institutions.

Around 40 JIC members and companies representatives took part in the event which tackled the necessary steps needed to protect the environment and find alternative solutions to stop the threats affecting the world around us.

About TAG-Training
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh professional Training (TAG-Training) is an active member of TAG-Org and hosts a fully functional training center in Damascus that accommodates more than 200 trainees and is equipped with the latest educational systems and methods. TAG-Org Hosts Save 4 Syria Environmental Drive Workshop

About JCI
JCI is a worldwide community of young active citizens who share the belief that in order to create positive change, we must take collective action to improve ourselves and the world around us. The JIC has 120 branches around the world with around 250,000 active members. Engaging in activities ranging from community development to international projects, members demonstrate their social responsibility and improve themselves through participation, leadership and action.
