We have moved from a concept of the information society on to a concept of a knowledge society and that requires changes in many aspects ? Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh
AMMAN ------May 27, 2010------Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) tackled on Wednesday May 27, 2010 the role of knowledge societies in the world.
In a lecture entitled "Knowledge Societies in Lebanon, Arab Region and the World" and held under the patronage of HE Sharbal Oun, the Lebanese Ambassador to Jordan, Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh discussed in details how knowledge societies can contribute to the development of any society.
"Knowledge is the main element for the development of any society and establishing knowledge based societies can thoroughly enhance its strength and power," he said.
"We have moved from a concept of the information society on to a concept of a knowledge society and that requires changes in many aspects," he added.
Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh who is also Chairman of the UN Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID) stressed on the successful project established in Jordan which was hailed by many organizations as "a step towards a guaranteed future."
"Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Society (TAG-Knowledge) proved to be a successful entity where students can learn through a relaxing and full of excitement atmosphere," he said.
TAG-Knowledge provides a host of training services, Free Internet Access, Career and Recruitment Consultancy and Design and Stationary Services in addition to others. The success factor of this initiative is the continuous support of TAG-Org affiliates to each service provided along with providing the combination of knowledge, business and entertainment under one roof.
Mr. Abu-Ghazaleh briefed audience on the latest projects by TAG-Org including Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Encyclopedia (TAG-Pedia) and TAG-IT News Agency in addition to others.
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