Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization Gaza Office Renovated after the Latest Aggression
GAZA------October 29, 2015--------Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) embarked on a mission to renovate and develop its office in Gaza as part of its message to provide the best services through a suitable work environment.
The decision comes after the Israeli forces aggressive attacks on Gaza and the ongoing increase in the level of services presented by the office which also acts as a branch for TAG-Org.
Toni Masad, Gaza Office Executive Director said: "We are a global organization and we need to reflect on that through continuous development of the work environment whether for the employees or clients."
The renovation process included new tiles and roofs, furniture and other equipment.
It is worth noting that Gaza Office which was establishd in 1995 and has 20 employees provides various services presented by TAG-Org such as Intellectual property, auditing, training among others.
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