‘Abu-Ghazaleh for Technologies’ Concludes Christmas and New Year Contest, Distributes Awards to Winners

AMMAN – Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for Technologies (TAGTech), a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), has concluded a contest organized within   Christmas and New Year 2020 festivities.  

The contest aimed at enhancing peoples’ knowledge about TAGTech products by asking questions about TAGTech devices and their specifications on its social media pages. 

During the contest, the “DADSters” and the “Mothers Employees” raised questions about TAGTech devices and specifications and received great response and a large number of correct answers. Winners by the draw received a total of ten TAGITOP devices. 

The contest took place at SmartBuy stores, Leaders stores and other locations. 

TAG.Global invites all interested people to follow TAGTech page and other TAG.Global pages on social media to learn more about its smart devices, specifications and prices.